UWKS conference series akan melaksanakan seminar Internasional yang ke empat yaitu international seminar entitled International Conference on Science, Technology, and Environment (ICoSTE) 2020.
Universitas Wijaya Kusuma Surabaya
2-3 Desember 2020 |

UWKS conference series Telah melaksanakan seminar Internasional yang ketiga yaitu international seminar entitled International Conference on Science, Technology, and Environment (ICoSTE) 2019.
The Institute for Research and Community Service – Wijaya Kusuma Surabaya University (LPPM-UWKS) has consideration to support the process of scientific publications from the results of researches through international seminars. LPPM-UWKS has organized and implemented the first international seminar with the title International Seminar on Resources, Environment and Marine in The Global Challenge (ISREM) 2015 with the theme of “The Role of Science and Technology in the Basis of Environment to Support Sustainable Resource Development”. The second international seminar entitled International Conference on Innovation in Research (ICIIR 2018) with the theme of “Innovation in Research based on Environmental Insight and Entrepreneur”. Organization of international seminars by LPPM-UWKS aims to improve scientific publications in accredited national journals and / or reputable international journals from the results of research by researchers, engineers, lecturers, and academics in the country and abroad.
ISREM 2015
"The Role of Science and Technology in the Basis of Environment to Support Sustainable Resource Development” is timely in order to address the issues and concerns about Resource, Environment and Marine in the Global Challenge. Indonesia includes one of the countries which own the biggest natural wealth in the world. If natural resource of Indonesia in mainland is combined with in the sea, so it is only Indonesia which has the biggest natural resources in the world. The utilization of the natural resources in Indonesia tend to economical aspect, while the aspects of ecology, biology, technology, and humanity is still limited. Whereas they have the very high economical value. For that reason, the International Seminar is the event of discussion on ideas, problems and solutions about resources, environment and marine as well as the information result of current research for scientists, observers, entrepreneurs, industrialists and policy makers. Thus, it will create the harmony the research activities with the problems and the real needs.
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